Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hi--it's late--we started at 5:15a.m.--There's only one way to describe Wyoming--BIG and BOLD!!Forgive me the nature pix, but everything is so amazing. I didn't take the camera one time today, and as we walked along a river by the rapids there were 3 pelicans standing there, in the sun,in the white water--just minding their own business--maybe looking for breakfast--didn't at all care that we were there.--everywhere you turn, something surprises you. The animals are around, people out looking,or hiking,or kayaking,or horseback riding--In my mind the National Park System has done a good job of making these treasures accessible to everyone--there are paths and boardwalks and trails that can be used even by the least hearty person.
The colors out West are amazing too--just like the real photographers" pictures. Come West if you can!!
Gotta go--sleepy-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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