Thursday, October 11, 2007

Green River, Utah

We hauled over from Zion yesterday, about a 6 hour drive. We set up at a KOA owned by a couple repatriated Vermonters. Most RV parks and campgrounds claim to have had pretty good years out here. What's really taken off is the RV rental business. A few years back we looked into renting one for a few weeks and found them difficult to find and expensive to rent. Now there are three or four companies renting them. At Zion, there must have been fifteen in the park at one time. The rentals are normally class B motorhomes and come in many different lengths.
After setting up, we shot over to Arches NP for a quick preview. We only went in a few miles and then saw the visitor's center. It should be a good one. Today is a big drive day to Capital Reef.

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