Sunday, April 15, 2007

Storms a fraud perpetuated by Weather channel

As usual, weather media overstated the storm potential for last night. Instead of severe thunderstorms and damaging winds, we had rain and a breeze. We pulled in two of the slide -outs to be safe. This is what happens when folks "sell" weather. ( Michael Creighton's "State of Fear" ) Went into Asheboro yesterday for the first time. Nice little downtown area with shops etc. It's in a "dry" county we found out. Debbie and Rich came over for dinner and to take a look at our rv. We had a nice visit and meal and discussed many important isssues. A large group of bikers were at the campground this weekend, but they weren't like the bikers in the movies. Most of them were tent camping, so with the weather forecast the majority hightailed it before dark. It would have been a nasty night in a tent. Hope you folks up north miss the storm also. Good luck.

1 comment:

tom mac said...

That's it, blame the media for this ice skating rink you used to call the 18th green at BG. Katie Couric ALWAYS gets her forecasts correct! It is FREEEEEEEEZING up here. Forget about the new triplexer purchase, Joe needs a Zamboni just to open the range. Have a great trip Bruce. Hey, you once told me of a good restaurant in Portland Ore. and I forgot the name. Fellow Lehigh Alum, Brother Tim, is taking me to Bandon Dunes in July.