Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Long Haul

Drove 530 miles yesterday from Minneapolis, Min., to Beulah, ND. It was our first exposure to the Great Plains and the terrain was more rolling than expected. ND looks like the backround of Dancing With Wolves. (We saw wolves twice, once on the UP and once in northern Wisc.) Went past the tallest structure on earth, a TV tower, and saw a number of the huge excavators used in strip mining for coal. They are visible from miles around and all lit up tp work 24 hours a day. Our campground is mainly occupied by fishermen, with a sprinkling of the huge motor coaches. Out here, the horizon is so far off that it looks like the clouds are forming and rising from the edges. The sunset was beautiful.
Joe Riggs called yesterday with the sad news that Jim Egan passed away while on a golfing trip to Atlantic City. He died in his sleep. Jim was quite a character and will be missed greatly.

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