Friday, September 7, 2007

Avenue of the Giants

About 20 miles south of Arcata is a 33 mile section of old Rt. 101 known as Avenue of the Giants. It's a road through a large section of old growth forest with many spots to pull over and a number of trails through groves of Redwoods. It's claim to fame is that it's only about 200 miles north of San Fran and the nearest spot a traveler visiting there could go to see these trees. About the most spectacular thing we saw was the Dyerville Giant, a 362' tall, 17 feet in diameter, 1,000,000 pounds, 1600 year old bruiser that fell on March 24, 1991. It fell because another couple trees fell do to extremely wet soil and knocked it over. A person a mile away heard it and thought it was a train wreck. The trunk ran about 200' before the first limbs.
Redwoods at one time were found around the world, but climate changes have reduced the areas they thrive in to the California coast and a spot in China.
We came back on Rt. 101 which runs parallel to the Avenue, and from there, even though it runs right through the forest, you wouldn't know these immense trees are there.

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