Saturday, September 22, 2007

Down to Monterray

The trip south to Carmel was uneventful and mostly highway. Our RV park is tucked away so far that it's amazing anyone finds it. After setting up, we decided to take the 17-Mile Drive, a ride laid out by the owners of the area, Peeble Beech Company. At one time I believe it was owned by the group of Arnold Palmer, Clint Eastwood and Peter Uberhoff. They still may. There are five golf courses on the pennisula, Spanish Bay, Spyglass, Poppy Hills, Cypress Point and Pebble Beach. The ride has a number of spots to pull over and view areas. Everything is first class and but low key. Very, very nice.
We exited the south gate and wandered through residential neighborhoods which go on and on. Some very interesting architecture in the area.

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