Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Portland, Oregon

We set up in Fairview, Or., yesterday, which is in the NE side of town. A typical urban RV park. Spaces are tight, but the location is good, only about 15 minutes from where Brad and Kim live. The drive down was rainy and when it rains out here, it pours. We set up in a pretty good shower and went over to see Brad and Kim. They rent a house in a nice residential neighborhood, probably 50's or 60's vintage. I believe the style is craftsman, and many homes in town are this type. Real estate in Portland seems quite pricey, just about equaling NJ prices. Portland is a nice small city with a lot of attractions and a large number of people who bicycle everywhere. They ride in traffic like a car and take a little getting used to. When you look both ways at intersections, better keep an eye out for them.
Brad and Kim live with two dogs, Tiki and Gwen, one small, one large. Kim is actively seeking a new job as she recently received her Masters degree in social work. She has several applications out and is also looking at possible promotion with her current organization. Brad works for Precision Garage Door, a nation wide franchise group. They both love the Portland area and are very outdoors oriented.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Lay a howdy on Brad and Kim. Enjoy your stay. Let us know how your plans work out.